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  • Musée d'Orsay Balade Seine Yachts de Paris

    Embark on a magical journey

    We instill our key values of eleg­ance, inspir­a­tion and excel­lence in all events to ensure that you have a magical exper­i­ence from start to finish.

    Discover the world of Yachts de Paris
  • Organise a truly memorable event on the River Seine hosted by experts in hospitality

    As experts in the art of hospit­al­ity, we guar­an­tee our clients impec­cable service across all of our venues.

    Experiences not to miss
  • Take your event to the next level with Yachts de Paris

    Our passion for luxury yachts has led to a collec­tion of excep­tional and atyp­ical venues across Paris, enablling our clients to exper­i­ence the River Seine in the most soph­ist­ic­ated way possible.

    Find out more about our yachts and lounges

Enjoy the Yachts de Paris experience

Whether you are a corpor­ate or private client, we will take your event to the next level by offer­ing you an unfor­get­table exper­i­ence on the River Seine.

Experience luxury yachting

Eleg­ance is the driv­ing force behind all of our yachts and quay­side lounges. Why not hire one of our venues or even two for a wonder­ful escape from the every­day?


Luxurious and intimate

The Cachemire embod­ies all the luxury of yacht­ing; from furniture to table­ware, this is French crafts­man­ship at its best. What better way to spoil the select few you invite to your event? 

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Elegant with a gentlemen's club feel

The Acajou prom­ises an event in a comfort­able, friendly atmo­sphere. Its fully equipped upper deck is the perfect place to enjoy­ing a fun and excit­ing cruise on the River Seine.

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Stylish and modern

Enhance your event with a cruise on the River Seine onboard a sleek, stream­lined yacht! The Victoria welcomes guests with soph­ist­ic­ated, neo-clas­sical flair – you decide how you want to build on this for your event!

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Exceptional and majestic

The Excel­lence offers a bright, wood-paneled setting with a flex­ible layout, while its remark­able upper deck provides guests with the perfect insight into the world of luxury yacht­ing.

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Avant-garde and festive

Few venues provide guests with as magical a setting for an event as the Mirage. Its ultra-modern design and vast bay windows guar­an­tee you an unfor­get­table cruise on the River Seine.

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A grand transatlantic vibe

The Paque­bot (which means cruise ship in French) gives a glimpse into life on the ocean waves! A giant on the River Seine, this yacht can host large events across three decks that are bound to thrill your guests.

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The Liberty Barge

Spacious and open to the skies

Set up the Liberty Barge however you wish for your event, whether it’s open­ing the huge retract­able glass roof or making the most of its cosier areas. Wherever your imagin­a­tion takes you, your guests are bound to enjoy an immers­ive exper­i­ence onboard.

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The Nework Lounge

Flooded with natural light

Situ­ated right oppos­ite the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty, the Nework Lounge affords stun­ning views over Paris. Combin­ing eleg­ance and modern­ity, this venue is equipped with all the latest tech­no­logy and its differ­ent areas can be configured to suit your needs so you can hold excep­tional larger events.

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The Atelier

Chic and relaxing

Sitated near Notre Dame Cathed­ral, the Atelier’s discreet, neo-indus­trial style and open spaces is a great option for your event. This unusual venue in Paris is full of natural light and partic­u­larly condu­cive for network­ing, with superb views of the French capital.

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Notre-Dame Space

La vue et le confort

Situé en bord de Seine, l’Espace Notre-Dame est le lieu idéal pour organ­iser votre évène­ment d’en­tre­prise en journée et pour­suivre en soirée sur la terrasse, qui offre une vue inégal­able sur Paris, pour votre after­work ou cock­tail. Impres­sion­nez vos convives sur la deux­ième plus belle avenue du monde !


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Unforgettable experiences with Yachts de Paris

We are thrilled that our clients are happy with the service we have provided and that we can share their wonder­ful messages of thanks

  • "An extraordin­ary/fabulous/incred­ible moment, with very pleas­ant and attent­ive staff. The cuisine was superb and the barman was lovely. Everything was just as I’d planned, it was even like the weather had been made to order! 

    We all had an excep­tional, heart­felt and joyful even­ing."

  • “We would like to sincerely thank you for the qual­ity of the service you provided for our seminar on May 23 and to tell you how grate­­ful we are and how much we enjoyed work­ing with you. You greatly contrib­uted to making this seminar a success from every point of view.

    We will not hesit­ate to call on you in the future for another event that our Maison may organ­­ize in the future.”

  • "Little by little, we’ve been gradu­ally coming back down to earth after our big day, which would not have been as good as it was if we hadn’t celeb­rated our wedding onboard the Excel­lence!

    Everything went perfectly to plan, the magic worked instantly, making this a wonder­ful dream­like night full of love and friend­ship."

  • "Every­one was delighted with the Acajou, the chic decor­a­tions on the tables and in the room, the qual­ity of the service, the polite­ness of the staff and the finesse of the food.

    You helped make the celeb­ra­tion of the 10-year part­ner­ship between the KLESIA Group and Mutuelle UFR go perfectly." 

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Take inspir­a­tion from the most beau­ti­ful events staged by our clients to create your own and discover the unique exper­i­ences that you can enjoy with Yachts de Paris.