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Experiences offered by Yachts de Paris

XXL Event Organizing

We work with you to create the high­lights and an event with a unique format for your product launch, show or gala. 

Hold your corporate event at an unusual location in Paris

Hire a quay­side lounge beside the River Seine or a yacht and create the perfect back­drop to your event with our flex­ible, well-lit spaces. Rearrange the furniture, open the huge glass roofs in our lounges or use the upper decks of the yachts to for outdoor events during the summer season.

  • Combine an event in one of our quay­side lounges with a yacht cruise on the River Seine
  • Custom­ise the spaces to suit your require­ments
  • Bene­fit from support from our expert team
  • Gala Salons Nework
  • Paquebot séminaire
  • debarquement-salon-network
Let us help organise your event
Conférence Salon Nework

Cutting-edge technical equipment

So you can host your big event under the very best condi­tions, our yachts and quay­side lounges are equipped with project­ors, sound equip­ment, and other useful tech­nical compon­ents.

  • Plasma screens and video project­ors
  • Novelty audi­ovisual expert­ise
  • Sound system and micro­phones
  • Broad­cast­ing your event for remote guests

Endless creative possibilities for your next event in Paris

Organ­ise your next event at the quay­side Nework Lounge, then take your guests on a luxuri­ous cruise through Paris on the biggest boat venue on the River Seine. Unveil your latest product against the spec­tac­u­lar back­drop of the Paque­bot, host a concert, present a new inven­tion… let your creativ­ity run wild with Yachts de Paris!

Diner Paquebot

Bespoke support from our expert team

Leave it to our team of hospit­al­ity experts to help you organ­ise an unfor­get­table event that brings your ideas to life in the exact way you inten­ded.

  • Offer­ing support at every stage of the event process, down to the finest detail
  • Provid­ing the best in French crafts­man­ship, from culin­ary know-how to table service, in part­ner­ship with our cater­ing part­ner Lenôtre

Our latest news on Instagram

Take inspir­a­tion from the most beau­ti­ful events staged by our clients to create your own and discover the unique exper­i­ences that you can enjoy with Yachts de Paris.