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Enjoy a Yachts de Paris experience

Make your seminars, team­build­ing activ­it­ies and corpor­ate events memor­able occa­sions that bring employ­ees together.


Professional gatherings and corporate events

Make your seminars, team­build­ing activ­it­ies and corpor­ate events memor­able occa­sions that bring employ­ees together.

Diner Paquebot

XXL events

Organ­ise special events in Paris such as product launches, fash­ion shows, galas and even confer­ences.


Weddings and private celebrations

Let us lend our expert­ise in hospit­al­ity and luxury yacht­ing to your celeb­ra­tions onboard our yachts and at our quay­side lounges, whether it’s a wedding, birth­day or another special event! 


Exclusive experiences

Marvel at the magic of Paris by yacht and enjoy an excit­ing, exclus­ive exper­i­ence.