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Eté 2024

Vous souhaitez organiser un événement avec les Yachts de Paris pendant l'été 2024 ?

Du 26 juillet au 8 septembre 2024, Paris accueille le plus grand des évène­ments spor­tifs.
Orga­ni­sez vos événe­ments en croi­sière ou à quai sur toute la période. Pour plus d’in­for­ma­tions, contac­tez nos équipes commer­ciales au 01 44 54 14 70 ou par mail.


Where are your yachts and quayside lounges located?

Our yachts and quay­side lounges are docked at two mari­nas in Paris. You will find them in west Paris at Port de Javel and in east Paris at Port Henri IV. Please note that for cruises you may embark at other ports, under certain condi­tions. Please see our prac­tical inform­a­tion page for further details.

Are the marinas easy to access?

Port de Javel and Port Henri IV are in the centre of Paris and are well served by public trans­port (Metro and RER). If you choose to come by car, you can also park close to or at both mari­nas. Please see our prac­tical inform­a­tion page for further details.

Are you closed on any days?

No, we are open every day and all year round whenever events are taking place.

Do you offer access to people with disabilities?

The Paque­bot, the Nework Lounge, the Atelier and the Liberty Barge all offer disabled access.


Do your venues have WiFi and sound systems?

There is WiFi at the follow­ing sites includ­ing on the quays: The Nework Lounge, the Atelier and the Liberty Barge. All of our yachts and quay­side lounges are equipped with sound systems for back­ground music as well as HF micro­phones.

What is the total capacity of your yachts and salons?

As each of our venues are differ­ent, please take a look at the 'Our venues’ section on the homepage.  

Can I choose service providers for my event (activities, florist, etc.)?

Lenôtre is our preferred cater­ing part­ner. For other service providers, please contact our sales team  who would be very happy to deal with your request.

Can traditional and e-cigarettes be smoked onboard?

Smoking is  permit­ted in outdoor areas, namely on the upper decks, quays and terraces.

Can we play background music inside, outside on the yachts and on the quays?

Indoor back­ground music must not exceed a certain volume in terms of decibels. Back­ground music can be played outdoors until 11 pm.


What happens on a 'standard' cruise?

  • 8pm: Guests are welcomed onboard and offered a drink on the upper deck, weather permit­ting
  • 8.30 pm: Yacht leaves the quay for a 2.5 hour jour­ney through Paris. Choice of a sit-down meal or drinks recep­tion, your choice
  • 11pm: Yacht turns around and returns to the marina it left from
  • 12am: End of the even­ing, guests go home

Are the timings for the different service providers flexible?

Yes, timings are entirely custom­is­able and can be adap­ted based on your needs.

Can we plan a specific route with stop-off points?

All of our cruises can be custom­ised as you wish – you choose the times, depar­ture and arrival points, and everything that happens in between!

Do your yachts and lounges ever host events at the same time?

The space you choose is reserved exclus­ively for you, with the excep­tion of the Don Juan II restaur­ant. In addi­tion to your guests, our crew will be present to assist you through­out your event.

Who are the staff onboard and how is the service provided?

A full crew will be on hand to serve you through­out your event. The sail­ing crew includes a captain and a sailor, as well as a stew­ard whom you can contact at any time. As for the comfort of your guests, Maîtres d’hôtel take care of the service, and the chefs who work for our cater­ing part­ner Lenôtre are in the kitchen.

Is there a dress code to be respected onboard?

There is no dress code, but please be aware that the paving on the quays and the parquet floor­ing onboard the yachts may make wear­ing high heels diffi­cult.

Can we plan to release fireworks or lanterns or to throw petals (or confetti)?

Unfor­tu­nately, the City of Paris strictly forbids fire­works and the releas­ing of lanterns. Throw­ing flower petals and confetti is also prohib­ited.

Are animals accepted onboard?

Small anim­als are allowed, provided they are clean.

Can we dance on the boats?

Abso­lutely! Most of our yachts and quay­side lounges have dance­floors.

Are your services suitable for children?

Chil­dren are welcome onboard. We can provide an area for them with suit­able food, and activ­it­ies can be arranged on request. Please note that all of our yachts and lounges meet the relev­ant safety stand­ards for host­ing the public, partic­u­larly chil­dren, and that we also have life jack­ets for chil­dren.

Can we customise the internal and external decor of the yachts and lounges?

Provided that it does not cause any damage, any fitting out is possible: creat­ing parti­tions, custom­ised banners, dress­ing rooms, changes to furniture, crock­ery, etc. Our onboard staff can also change their outfits to suit the theme of your event.

It is possible to sleep on the boats?

No, it is not possible to sleep at our venues.


Can we bring any alcohol/food of our choice?

Under certain condi­tions, you can bring your own food and drink. Our sales team will be happy to provide you with more specific inform­a­tion on this.

Is it possible to eat outdoors?

Weather permit­ting, we encour­age you to enjoy a meal in the Parisian sunshine on the upper decks of our yachts! The Liberty Barge’s terrace in partic­u­lar is perfectly suited to outdoor drinks recep­tions.

Is it possible to adapt your menus?

All of our menus can be adap­ted to accom­mod­ate any specific diet­ary require­ments and aller­gies.


What happens if there is a flood?

There are several levels of flood­ing that may prevent sail­ing within the Paris city limits. As the bridges in Paris are old and low, the only route possible in the event of flood­ing is towards the Marne (depart­ing from Quai Henri IV) and Boulogne (depart­ing from Javel) 

If the flood­ing were to reach level 2, we would propose host­ing your event at one of our quay­side venues instead.

What happens in the event of an emergency?

The teams onboard our yachts and at our quay­side lounges are trained first aiders and possess all of the appro­pri­ate first aid equip­ment. In partic­u­lar, there are defib­ril­lat­ors on all of our yachts.

If neces­sary, the river police could be noti­fied rapidly and would be there in a few minutes, regard­less of where the boat is located at the time of the alert. 

Our boats also have insur­ance certi­fic­ates that can be provided on request.


Is it possible to get seasick on the Yachts?

It is very rare. Sail­ing on the River Seine does not gener­ally cause seasick­ness as the boats have a flat bottom, which makes them very stable.