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Yachts de Paris: exceptional venues

To make sure that your exper­i­ence lives up to your expect­a­tions, we offer you Yachts and Salons on the banks of the Seine with unique atmo­spheres.

Discover a unique venue on the banks of the River Seine, a stone's throw from Notre-Dame

Ideally located on Quai Henri IV, right next to the board­ing plat­forms for several of the excep­tional Yachts de Paris boats, the Espace Notre-Dame offers a dynamic setting for your train­ing sessions, work­shops and team build­ing events, or for your private occa­sions. In this 120 m² recep­tion room on the banks of the River Seine, complete with indoor and outdoor areas, and fully equipped for present­a­tions with projec­tions, you can welcome up to 110 guests in cabaret format and no less than 160 people in cock­tail format. Privat­ise this venue or organ­ise an all-inclus­ive seminar and enjoy unri­valled views of Notre-Dame Cathed­ral and the Île de la Cité!

  • Maximum capa­city: 160 people
  • 80 people in theatre format
  • 120 m² main area
  • Terrace with views at the aft peak
  • Bar, control room and cloak­room

Enjoy the River Seine without leaving land

On the banks of the River Seine, oppos­ite the Espace Notre-Dame, Yachts de Paris invites you to discover The Atelier, a cosy, contem­por­ary setting that adds a special touch to your private event, team meet­ing or seminar. Book these two inter­con­nect­ing spaces to increase capa­city by 50 people with The Atelier. Encour­age inter­ac­tion between your guests by moving from one room to the other accord­ing to your inspir­a­tion and needs.

  • Capa­city of up to 210 people in cock­tail format
  • Original private hire on the banks of the River Seine

Extend the experience aboard a prestigious yacht

Create an abso­lutely unique combined exper­i­ence. Extend your event by invit­ing your guests to a lunch or dinner cruise aboard the Acajou, the Victoria or the Excel­lence. Also moored at Port Henri IV, these excep­tional vessels can berth in front of the Espace Notre-Dame and The Atelier for exclus­ive board­ing. Offer a unique and eleg­ant exper­i­ence aboard the Yachts de Paris, a truly memor­able getaway on the world’s second most beau­ti­ful avenue. Let’s create your most beau­ti­ful exper­i­ences together!

Promising you excellence on the quayside

Whether your event takes place at one or more of our venues, our differ­ent services offer a smooth and enjoy­able exper­i­ence.

  • Music

    integ­rated hi-fi system

  • Projection equipment

    plasma screens, video projector, micro­phone

  • Presentation facilities

    5.30m stage, plexi­glass lectern and control room

  • Combined offer

    Create an event with several yachts and/or recep­tion rooms

Experience Yachts de Paris

Whether private or profes­sional, we can make your event even more memor­able by offer­ing an exhil­ar­at­ing exper­i­ence on the River Seine.