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Yachts de Paris: exceptional venues

To make sure that your exper­i­ence lives up to your expect­a­tions, we offer you Yachts and Salons on the banks of the Seine with unique atmo­spheres.


Celebrate under Parisian skies at the Nework Lounge

A vast light-filled venue on the banks of the River Seine, the Nework Lounge will take your profes­sional and private events to the next level with its grandeur and bright­ness. This chic, soph­ist­ic­ated venue at the heart of the French capital provides a gran­di­ose escape from the every­day. Its monu­mental retract­able glass roof will bathe guests in natural light and reveal beau­ti­ful skies that change colour as the day goes on.  

  • Capa­city of 700 people
  • 205m2 lounge space
  • 400m2 confer­ence room
  • Cloak­room and 400m2 retract­able roof
  • reception-grande-verriere
  • garden-party-tabouret-en-bois
  • mobilier-bois-couleur-blanche

Choose your favourite format for this bright space

The soph­ist­ic­ated yet minim­al­ist decor of the Nework Lounge means that you have complete free­dom to plan extraordin­ary decor­a­tions when fitting out your event here. Easily access­ible and fully equipped with all the latest tech­no­logy, the differ­ent areas of the yacht can be adap­ted as needed to host seminars, confer­ences and show­rooms on the banks of the River Seine, either inside or outside. The Nework Lounge can also provide the styl­ish finish­ing touches to galas, pres­ti­gi­ous fash­ion shows and other unfor­get­table even­ing events, so let your creativ­ity run wild!

  • 700 people in drinks recep­tion format
  • 350 people in sit-down dinner format
  • 450 people in theatre format
  • 350 people in cabaret format
  • assemblee-table-ronde
  • salon-interieur-grand-espace
  • mobilier-bois-couleur-blanche
  • mise-en-place-cercle-lumiere-rouge

Make memorable moments last even longer

The most memor­able events are those that feature unusual high­lights. Why not organ­ise an event at the Nework Lounge followed by a cruise onboard one of our yachts, combin­ing a drinks recep­tion and cruise down the River Seine, and treat either a partic­u­lar group or all of your guests to a multi­fa­ceted exper­i­ence!

  • arrivee-yacht-evenement
  • canape-rouge-et-noir-croisiere-sur-la-seine

Quayside excellence guaranteed

Whether you hold your event in one or more of our venues, we prom­ise a smooth and pleas­ant customer exper­i­ence thanks to our special­ist services and equip­ment.

  • Music

    built-in hi-fi system

  • Projection equipment

    plasma screens, video projector, micro­phone

  • Fitting out

    Plexiglas rostrum, tech­nical control console

  • Combination package

    Organ­ise an event on several yachts and/or lounges

Enjoy the Yachts de Paris experience

Whether you are a corpor­ate or private client, we will take your event to the next level by offer­ing you an unfor­get­table exper­i­ence on the River Seine.