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Covid-19 measures: Our commitment to keeping you safe

Today, our prior­ity is to host you under the best condi­tions possible and to continue provid­ing a magical exper­i­ence in total safety onboard our yachts and at our quay­side lounges.
Our teams have there­fore set in place a Charter of Commit­ment to protect you and have made the book­ing proced­ure more flex­ible to make organ­ising upcom­ing events easier.

  • Ensuring social distancing between guests

    To avoid guests all arriv­ing at the same time, we organ­ise arrival timeslots with the event organ­iser. Meas­ures are taken to adhere to social distan­cing in all areas and one-way systems have been estab­lished through­out venues.

  • Wearing face masks

    In all common areas, wear­ing a mask is no longer compuls­ory, except for contact persons. It remains recom­men­ded for people at risk of seri­ous form, as well as during meet­ings with more than 10 people as soon as the 4m2 gauge is not respec­ted.

  • Thorough cleaning of all areas

    We have improved the proced­ure for clean­ing arrival areas and lounges, which are disin­fec­ted regu­larly using special anti-viral clean­ing products. We also recom­mend vent­il­at­ing the meet­ing room every hour for 10 minutes.

  • Keeping hands clean at all times

    Water and soap as well as hand sanit­iser dispensers have been made avail­able to you through­out our venues.

  • Adapting our catering service

    All of our cater­ing (break­fast, lunch and snacks) has been adap­ted to comply with current health and safety meas­ures without comprom­ising the qual­ity of our services.

  • Committed to keeping you safe

    All of our staff have been trained to comply with and enforce current social distan­cing and safety meas­ures, as well as any other prevent­at­ive meas­ures in place through­out our venues.

Flexible booking conditions

We are aware that these unpre­ced­en­ted times have impacted on a lot of busi­nesses and may have created a lot of uncer­tainty about the future.
To ensure the greatest possible flex­ib­il­ity and ease when organ­ising your event, we have revised our General Terms and Condi­tions of Sale. Our book­ing terms and condi­tions will remain flex­ible until March 2022.

As a result, we currently allow you to:
• Book without paying a deposit for events with a total value of less than €10,000 EUR

• Receive a credit note for a cancel­la­tion up to two weeks before the date of the event

• Delay your event at no cost for up to two weeks before it is due to be held

Our mission, now more than ever, is to reas­sure you and give you the chance to create new exper­i­ences with us.
For further inform­a­tion, get in touch with our dedic­ated sales team here